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Tour 5: "Vacationland"

The license plate for Maine hit it right on the nose - my slow trek across New England and into Atlantic Canada was the perfect vacation after the hectic pace I set earlier in the trip.  With a full three weeks to cycle just 1453km I had plenty of time to rest and enjoy myself.

My first stop was Burlington, Vermont, a pleasant little city on the edge of Lake Champlain where I stayed with a Couchsurfer named Rebecca.  The next day I rode on to Lake Bomoseen where I spent a couple days with my old friends Joe and Karen. From there I crossed New Hampshire and reached the Atlantic Ocean at Portland, Maine.  Just north of Portland I stumbled into a great situation.  I stopped to visit a ceramic art centre in Newcastle called Watershed where I was invited to stay for a few days in exchange for a little volunteer work each day.  There were some great people there and we spent more than a few hours around the campfire telling stories.  After a six day stop I got back on the road and headed for Canada.  I had my first breakdown of the trip (my rear derailleur fell apart) in Calais, Maine, within eye distance of the border crossing, but I had no trouble getting to Sackville on schedule.

Everything about this ride was fantastic - the Adirondacks, the Green Mountains, the Atlantic Ocean, the foggy mornings, the forests, the charming New England towns and the pleasant Acadian accents.  This is one that I would definitely do again.

Download the tour here.